We stayed in a quaint little cottage, down the steepest, narrowest hill this world's ever seen and everyone knew we were Londoners, when we walked around with our iPhones in the air, desperately trying to get reception. Without success!
Our trip was everything you'd imagine a mini-holiday in the English countryside to be, there were cows, chickens, crazy farmers and a beautiful vast landscape. Oh and the food...the food was just fabulous. We had a delicious three course meal at the Ragged Cot in Minchinhampton, which lasted for hours and included Scallops, Steak (of course), Duck and tons of other little things of deliciousness. We got eggs from the local farm, bread from the local bakery, had red wine by the fire and everything just tasted like it should.
The wedding was beautiful, with lots of drink, good food and laughter. I wore ridiculously high, blindingly yellow heels, which were the most unsuitable choice of footwear for a countryside wedding ever and I would do it all over again. By the end of the night we were all sozzled (me more than everyone else) and ended up drinking more champagne and dancing barefoot to Chelsea Dagger - my all time favourite song to dance to.
Hungover but happy and relaxed we went for a little drive through the neighbouring towns the next morning, had real Cotswolds ice-cream, took pictures of the cows on the golf course and finally went back home to start another week of work the following day.
Mini-breaks are all you need sometimes, especially when life is full of moving stress and busy days at work.
Have you had a long weekend away recently? Any good places you can suggest?

Ha! Love the Cotswolds. Your yellow heels are great :)
ReplyDeleteI'd never been to the Cotswolds before and fell in love :) - Cheers on the shoes...pretty comfy too. x