Can I just say I am usually not one for home made beauty products. I don't believe they work as well as shop bought ones, there's no nice packaging (hellooo... Boots is one of my favourite places to shop) and it's just too much hassle. And not to forget the time when I was a teenager and my mum got me to use cider vinegar as toner and olive oil as face cream. Yes I smelled like a well dressed salad.

Last weekend Susie came round for a girlie afternoon. Initially we were meant to go for pedicures in town which then turned to pedicures in Croydon and ended up being pedicures at home (mainly due to me being too unwell to leave my house and secondly we really didn't want to dish out £40 for a mediocre pedicure by a trainee beautician). 
So Susie arrives with all the necessary bits for a home pedicure aaaand a bunch of mint, a bottle of olive oil and a bag of brown sugar. She announces: "We're making our own foot scrub!" Errrrm ok?!?

It looked gross... but smelled amazing. And oh my am I converted. My feet are the softest they have been in a long time. Forget all those shop bought scrubs. The coarse brown sugar is the perfect exfoliant and the mint is beautifully cooling. It all takes five minutes and will nicely keep in your fridge. 

Try it, it's amazing!!!

Etta xo

MAKES 1 jar
KEEPS about 1 month in the fridge

  • large bunch of mint, finely chopped
  • 200g coarse brown sugar
  • 150ml olive oil

  1. Mix the mint with the olive oil. If you have a food processor just whack it all in there and pulse until well combined.
  2. Add the sugar. Thoroughly mix together and transfer into an airtight jar.
  1. Ideally sit on the edge of your bath. Get a washing bowl or large bucket with warm water ready. 
  2. Take a generous scoop of the scrub and massage into your feet rubbing until they start to tingle a little. 
  3. Rinse off in the bucket of water and dab dry. Caution: Your feet will be a little oily so be careful you don't slip. 
  4. If you plan to use nail varnish straight after, make sure you acetone your nails or wipe them with pure alcohol so that the varnish sticks better.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely going to try this! Must smell divine! :)
