Let's talk fro-yo for a minute here... We've all been on it like there's no tomorrow. Mat and I keep looking out for BOGOFs on every trip to the supermarket and my work mates and I have been wandering over to the local frozen yoghurt chain in our lunch break, which has become a delicious yet pretty pricy re-occurrence.

Of course I thought, despite the fact that I haven't got an ice cream machine, that I can do this at home. I mean how difficult can it be... Take the yoghurt, put it in the freezer - Done. Well it didn't really work first time around and we ended up with a big block of banana, coconut, yoghurt mess - yuk. Then I purchased ice lolly moulds and tadaaaa - fro-yo ice lollies, guys.

You can make any flavour you want and to be honest, if you don't have lolly moulds just use paper or plastic cups (or old yoghurt containers - washed of course) and tongue sticks.

We made layered vanilla yoghurt lollies with coconut and clementine. No sugar, not fat, no guilt!!! Enjoy!

Etta xo
MAKES 4 lollies

INGREDIENTS ( all approximate and depending on the size of your moulds)
  • 250g fat free greek yoghurt (you can either get a vanilla yoghurt (we used Yeo Valley) or greek yoghurt and honey or plain)
  • 2tbsp honey (if you're using plain yoghurt)
  • 1 vanilla pod, seeds scraped out (if you're using plain yoghurt)
  • 2-3tsp unsweetened shredded coconut 
  • 1 mandarine, peeled and cut into small chunks or
    Frozen berries or any other fruit you fancy

  1. Pour the yoghurt half way up the mould. Top with the mandarine and then a little more yoghurt. Add the coconut and mix it with the yoghurt, now top with the rest of the yoghurt.
  2. Put the tongue stick in and then freeze for 8 hours or more.
My favourite summer snack/dessert so far.


  1. I just sold my ice lolly moulds, and I'm going to dearly miss them now that it's hot! Your recipe sounds delish. :)

    1. Who needs moulds... just use plastic/paper cups and tongue sticks ;) x
